Principles of Inquiry                        Discussion Project: Exploring our intuitions about knowledge





  1. Write down three things you think you know for sure. (Try to think of three rather different things.) For each, indicate briefly how you know what you think you know and why you think this source of knowledge is reliable.



In groups:


  1. Share what you each wrote down. 
  2. Discuss whether you all agree that what each of you claims to know is something that person really does know.
  3. Try to decide which of the things one of you claims to know should go on a list of the things you all are willing to count as genuine knowledge. 
  4. For each item on your list try to agree on a consensus view this truth is known and why you think that way of coming to know is reliable.


Have one member record your conclusions on a piece of paper.  Make sure everyone’s name is on it and turn it in at the end of class.