General Philosophy                Second Paper Assignment


Due: Monday, May 7


Basic assignment: Write a 3-5 page (typed, double-spaced) paper explaining and supporting your position on some issue raised by one or more of the writers we have read since Plato (i.e., Descartes, Hume, Nietzsche, or Porpora). 


Some guidelines:


1.      Your paper should contain your thoughts and opinions, not just a summary of Descartes or Hume (or whoever).  Tell me what you think, not just what other people have said.

2.      Do, however, address the position and/or the arguments of at least one of the philosophers we have studied.  Give references to the text to support your interpretation of their views.

3.      Be sure that the question or issue your paper is addressing is clear and well focused.

4.      Be sure that you have provided a clear statement of your position on that issue (or your answer to that question).

5.      In addition to explaining what you think, your paper should contain reasons why you take the position you do.  Your main job is to explain why a reasonable person should agree with the opinion or position you are expressing.

6.      Include in your paper at least one statement of an objection to your view and a reply to that objection.  How might someone who disagreed with you criticize your argument?  And how can you respond to that criticism?

7.      You are not required (or encouraged) to consult any other sources besides those already assigned for class reading.  If you do use any other sources, give them credit for whatever you take from them: list them in a bibliography at the end of your paper and give specific references for any ideas you have borrowed. 


Some possible topics:


1.      One or more of the arguments we have encountered for or against the existence of God. (These include Descartes’ argument in Meditation 3, his ‘ontological argument’ in Meditation 5, Cleanthes’ argument from design, Demea’s a priori argument, Philo’s argument from misery.)

2.      Whether proof or evidence is necessary or desirable or relevant for belief in God.

3.      Whether Descartes is, as many have said, caught in a vicious circle in his reasoning in the Meditations.

4.      Whether Descartes is right to claim that the human soul (or mind) is distinct from the human body (or whether his arguments for this claim are any good).

5.      Whether Descartes has succeeded in showing that the senses are not a good source of knowledge.

6.      Nietzsche’s criticisms of Socrates or his criticisms of ‘Christian morality’.

7.      Nietzsche’s statement, “there are no moral facts.”

8.      Nietzsche’s own values (what he seems to be advocating and/or admiring).

9.      Porpora’s concept of a ‘Holocaust-like event’ and/or its application to events in Central America.

10.  Porpora’s account of ‘moral indifference’ in light of your own experience.

11.  Porpora’s claim that we have a responsibility to find out what our government is doing in our name and try to stop it when it is doing something atrocious.